• $580000

16 Mondrain Ave, Castletown WA 6450, Australia

– Four bedroom 2 bathroom home with modern kitchen and open plan living


– Well located close to schools and all amenities


– This Ken Norton built home boasts a floorplan cleverly designed for functionality, storage and liveability


– Well appointed kitchen features a king size oven


– Double garage adjoining kitchen for amazing “boot to pantry” access


– Tiling on floors through the core of the home with carpeted bedrooms


– Massive, fully enclosed outdoor entertaining area has a stainless-steel barbeque with rangehood and tiled kitchen work bench. Glass windows provide protection without sacrificing light, creating a space to be enjoyed year round.


– Amazing Sir Walter lawns are manicured and maintained with bore water


– Raised vegetable garden beds, paving and bule metal paths keep the backyard low maintenance, neat and tidy


– Large shed at back of property with vehicle access paved down the side of the house.


– This house deserves a walk through to be appreciated